Fakultas Teknik


Recent Submissions

  • Dedi Iskandar Inan (2022-12-12)
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  • Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan (Seminar Nasional ReTII ke-15, 2020-10-18)
    Konverter buck-boost merupakan peralatan untuk mengubah besaran listrik DC. Alat ini bersifat sangat non linier sehingga diperlukan kontroler yang baik untuk meningkatkan performanya. Dalam penelitian ini telah dibuat ...
  • Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan (Seminar Nasional ReTII-15, 2020-10-07)
    Proses pengubahan arus listrik arus DC tidak seperti pada pengubahan arus listrik AC, dibutuhkan sebuah converter DC-DC dalam proses tersebut. Konverter Buck-Boost merupakan salah satu jenis converter DC-DC yang dapat ...
  • Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan (Procedia of Engineering and Life Science, 2021-07-12)
    Seiring dengan teknologinya yang mulai berkembang dan harganya yang mulai terjangkau serta adanya dukungan regulasi yang baik dari pemerintah, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) mulai banyak diminati masyarakat. ...
  • Yanty Rumengan, Abdul Zaid Patiran, and Ernes Bevin (The 7th International Conference on Technology and Vocational, 2021-10-07)
    In the "New Normal" which means normal activities in pandemic time, people need to work outside and other activities. In term of study activities especially in the classroom, a system that can effectively spray disinfectant ...
  • Pandung Sarungallo, Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan (The 8th International Conference on Technology and Vocational Teachers 2022, 2022-10-07)
    A voltage source inverter (VSI) is commonly used in converting DC to AC systems with the constant voltage source input. However, a microcontroller is mostly used in generating the signal to the VSI due to low harmonics ...
  • Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan, Pandung Sarungallo (2021-10-07)
    Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been marked by the human need of big data from all over devices, and it has been triggering the massive development of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this paper, an IoT system for solar power ...
  • Yanty Rumengan (Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2014-08-12)
    Increased pressure to control costs and increased competition has prompted health care managers to look for tools to more effectively operate their institution. Managers are increasingly using simulation modeling to ...
  • Yanty Rumengan, Bibiana Rosalina Wihyawari, Ogie Ahmad Kurniadi (2017-04-12)
    Alat penyiram manual hanya dapat dioperasikan apabila pengguna menggunakannya sehingga apabila pengguna tidak mempunyai waktu untuk menyiram tanaman maka pada saat itu kegiatan tersebut tidak dapat dilakukan. Penyiram ...
  • Yanty Rumengan , Abdul Zaid Patiran dan Ernes Bevin (2022-10-07)
    Covid-19 adalah penyakit menular yang menyerang sistem pernapasan yang disebabkan oleh virus corona yang ditemukan pada tahun 2019. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19 terutama di area publik yang tertutup, ...
  • Yanty Rumengan (Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2013-02-12)
    Though we have a general feeling that the military and the commercial wireless networks are providing the same features, in reality, it is not so. They are in fact different from each other. Commercial wireless networks ...
  • Yanty Rumengan, Sutrisno, Bibiana R Wihyawari (Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2017-10-07)
    Pengendali level air merupakan instrumen sederhana yang dibuat untuk menghindari terbuangnya volume air. Alat ini menjadi penting mengingat ketersediaan air di Manokwari terbatas. Alat ini memungkinkan aliran air bejalan ...
  • Zulfikar Bungin, Adelhard Beni Rehiara, Yanty Rumengan (Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2022-10-12)
    Tingkat kehandalan yang baik menentukan kelangsungan penyaluran tenaga listrik pada sistem tersebut. Ketersediaan daya yang kurang mencukupi akan mempengaruhi tingkat kehandalan suatu sistem. Metode Loss of Load Probability ...
  • Yanty Rumengan (Journal of Information Science and Technology, 2014-02-12)
    In 2005 MPEG-4 is the latest generation in multimedia codec. MPEG-4 was initially discovered in the year 1998 to overcome the obstacles of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2. However MPEG-4 was not officially recognized until the year 2002. ...
  • Rumengan Yanty, Bevin Ernes, Patiran Abdul Zaid, Rehiara Adelhard Beni, Sarungallo Pandung, Lesnussa Henny A. B (Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2022-04-12)
    Covid-19 is an infectious disease that attacks the respiratory system caused by the coronavirus found in 2019. It has a deadly infection and rapid spread worldwide without exception in Indonesia. Then since the year, World ...
  • Dedi I. Inan (2019-12-18)
    Disaster cannot be prevented. What can be followed up to, therefore, is to response to optimally in a disaster management. The aim is to reduce the impact caused, the losses of properties and the casualties. On the other ...
  • Eka Saputra, Dedi I. Inan, Ratna Juita, Lion F. Marini, Christian D. Suhendra, Bertha Pangaribuan (2023-04-19)
    Tanda Tangan Elektronik merupakan tanda tangan baik berupa cap tangan maupun simbol dalam bentuk digital. MI An-Nur Waraitama saat ini masih menggunakan penandatanganan bersifat manual untuk memverifikasi keaslian suatu ...
  • Dedi I. Inan, Ghassan Beydoun, and Siti Hajar Othman (2023-03-16)
  • Dedi I. Inan, Achmad Nizar Hidayanto, Ratna Juita, Christopher Y Hasian, Kevin Luvian, Leonardo, Samuel Ludwig Ian, and Setyawan Pratama (2023-05-01)
    In a crisis such as COVID-19 that struck the world in 2019, social and community activities are restricted, including in-person classes. On the one hand, these restrictions are aimed as a precautionary measure against ...
  • Dedi I. Inan, Ghassan Beydoun, Siti Hajar Othman, Biswajeet Pradhan, and Simon Opper (2022-06-07)
    Since late 2019, the COVID-19 biological disaster has informed us once again that, essentially, learning from best practices from past experiences is envisaged as the top strategy to develop disaster management (DM) ...

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